High Quality Solutions for Unique Industry Needs

Are you looking for a new fabrication supplier? Let’s talk shop. Air Stream Sheet Metal's team members, manufacturing footprint and fabrication capabilities are ready to create custom metal solutions for industries that require:

  • Complex metal enclosures
  • High volume/ multi-program product lines
  • Fabrication and powder coat paint under one roof
  • In-house engineering and design support
  • Long-term partnerships

Every project faces unique challenges, and that’s why we’re not just sheet metal fabricators. Our engineers and operations team members are problem solvers with a passion for finding creative solutions to everyday challenges you may face including:

  • Supporting global and local operations
  • Streamlining supply chain needs and improvingsupply chain control
  • Optimizing designs to improve manufacturability
  • Lowering overall production costs
  • Scaling products for size and demand
  • Fabricating durable solutions for outdoor environments and harsh conditions
  • Adhering to custom branding requirements